One brief book recommendation, once every month.

Trema [?] is where I write one brief book recommendation, once every month. Hopefully, I can help you find a surprising and enjoyable book. Subscribing is free—thank you for reading.

If you'd like me to write similarly for your publication, feel free to send me an email or DM me on Twitter/X.

Daniël van der Winden
Publication (TRANSCRIPT)

On every post, I will link to my shop on, where you can buy the book I write about. They theoretically give me 10% of every sale made, but I have no way of extracting any funds from the account, as I’m not based in the United States. Once they allow Europeans to do so, I will donate everything in there

to local libraries. If is not available in your country, I’d urge you to seek out the books in a local bookstore if you can.